Privacy Policy

For Chibious, Lda. (henceforth “Chibious” or “we”), holder of the website (henceforth “website”), your (the “User”) privacy’s protection is an imperative, which is why we have taken all measures in our reach for a responsible and safe usage of your personal data, forbidding its unauthorized access and its loss or manipulation.

The current Privacy Policy regulates the way we treat your personal data, informing you on the type of data we collect and for what, with whom we share it, how we protect it and what your rights are regarding it, according to that stipulated on the Regulation (UE) 2016/679. If you do not agree with any of the aspects here described, we ask that you do not access the website areas susceptible to collect your personal data.

What is “personal data”

“Personal data” is defined as any information related to an individual that can identify them, directly or indirectly, by reference to, for instance, a name, an identification number, geolocation data, or one or more elements specific to their physical, physiologic, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

Who is responsible for your data treatment

The entity responsible for the collection and processing of your data is Chibious, Lda., headquartered at Avenida D. João II, 374, 4th floor, room 43, 4715-275 Braga, VAT number 51563260. You can get in touch with the entity through the e-mail address

What personal data do we collect and why

Navigation data

When you visit this website, it automatically collects navigation data, that is, information about your computer such as IP address – Internet Protocol, the number given to your computer so that it can send and receive data on the Internet -, the type of browser, geographical location, date, time and duration of your visit and the visited pages. This data is collected in order to guarantee that the website is presented to you in a correct and safe way.


Cookies are small files with information related to your preferences and behaviors that are stored in your computer or mobile device through your browser when you visit a website. By visiting this website and accepting cookie usage, the User accepts that Chibious use the following cookies:

  • Strictly necessary cookies: cookies that the User cannot refuse when using the website, as they guarantee navigation and usage of its functionalities, such as to register whether or not you have allowed cookie usage;
  • Functional cookies: these are cookies required for the proper functioning of the website for the User, allowing the collected data to be stored in order for you to access the same with features that adapt to your experience compared to other users’—for instance, the language or appearance and the content depending on which browser you access the website with;
  • Analytical cookies: these cookies are used anonymously to collect statistical information, allowing us to analyze trends, accompany the users’ journey through the website and collect non-individualized demographic data from the same. We collect this information to understand how the website is used, which pages generate the most interest, in order to improve your experience and adapt our service.
  • Advertising cookies: these are cookies that, based on the data from your activity on the website, are meant to direct advertising campaigns, selecting the ones most relevant to you, according to your preferences and interests. We use this information to direct our campaigns on search engines, as well as in the Meta platforms.

Sales contact form

If you wish to know more about our website or get in touch with us, you can fill out our sales contact form, present in all relevant pages of the website. In this case, the data we collect are the User’s name, company name, e-mail address and phone number. We also collect any information you decide to include in the “Message” field, as long as it is relevant to your answer and/or services. We will use this data merely to identify you and contact you back through the most appropriate means, in order to answer your request.

Job application contact form

If you wish to apply for an existing job offer or simply submit a spontaneous application, you can use the contact form that exists on job offer pages linked in the “About us” page. In this instance, we collect data on the User’s name, email address, phone number and city of residence, as well as any data you include in the “Presentation” field. We collect this data to identify you, evaluate your applicant profile and contact you with a reply through the most appropriate channel.

What legitimizes us to process your data

The personal data we collect is of different nature. Depending on its type, we treat your data based on:

  • your explicit concern, namely, by contacting us through the form meant for that and by guaranteeing that you have read and accepted this privacy policy;
  • our legitimate interest in collecting analytical information to bring you the best user experience on our website and the most relevant information for you and in the continuous improvement of our services, without ever questioning our interests and the protection of your data.

With whom do we share your data

Your personal data may be made available to carefully selected partners, who fulfill the necessary requisites for the processing and protection thereof, occasionally and so long as it is strictly necessary, provided that it is necessary for us to conduct our services. In this condition, your data may be shared with third parties for ad measurement services under Chibious’ name.

In absolutely no circumstances do we ever sell your data to third parties.

How we protect your data

We take all technological and physical measures at our reach to guarantee that your data is protected and not accessed, used or divulged by unauthorized persons or systems. All pages on this website are covered by an SSL security certificate and our servers are placed in secure environments protected from third-party access.

How long do we keep your data

Your personal data is kept for the period of time necessary to fulfill the goal for which they were collected. If the data was collected through the sales contact form, they are kept as long as there is a legitimate commercial need, whether it is to answer your request for information or, later, to communicate in case a commercial relationship is formed. If they are collected through the job application contact form, the data collected is saved until it is used in a recruitment process, unless you inform us of your wishes to delete it beforehand. All remaining data (from cookies, navigation data) will be stored for the relevant period of time starting from your last interaction with the website, unless you inform us that you wish for us to eliminate them beforehand.

What your rights concerning your data are

Chibious does not own your personal data. You may, at any time: request access to the data we have in our possession that concern you; request their rectification in case of errors or incorrectness; request their elimination if they are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they conceded or if they are the target of illicit treatment; request the limiting of your treatment in specific cases; request from us the sending of your personal data that concern you in a structured file and, if that is your wish, grant them to another data processor; oppose the use of your data and decisions made based on them in an automatic manner.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Chibious reserves the right to change, at any time and with no prior warning, the current Privacy Policy. We recommend that you visit this page occasionally and that, if you do not agree with any of its content, you abandon your session.