Service:Performance Marketing

Results-oriented online advertising.

Online advertising is increasingly sought after as a service for the various benefits it presents compared to (and complementing) traditional advertising, from the lower cost of client acquisition and reduced barrier to entry to the increased ability to track and measure the results of each marketing action.

Performance Marketing is an approach to online advertising focused on results, in which data analysis is essential to understand the genuine impact on the project’s key performance indicators (KPI).

Performance Marketing agency

Chibious is an agency specialized in Performance Marketing management, with dozens of projects worked on since 2018, thousands of qualified leads for B2C and B2B and E-commerce projects with over a million euros of revenue attributed directly to the Performance Marketing campaigns.

From clothing and footwear to real estate, lighting, tourism, medicine and many others, we develop and apply Performance Marketing strategies adapted to each industry, always with KPI-measurable goals, focusing concretely on return on ad spend (ROAS) as the main KPI for E-commerce projects.

Therefore, more than simple traffic management steered towards clicks or views, we focus on the actual return achieved by our campaigns for your business. Based on methodologies fine-tuned through various success stories and strategies tailored to each project, we achieve the results you seek, upfront and with complete data transparency.

Performance Marketing channels

Google Ads

Google Ads ad examples in Shopping ad, search ad and Display ad formats for SMF, Manuel Alves and Stores Rapid, respectively.

Google Ads lets us advertise directly on Google’s search engine, the YouTube video platform and a network of thousands of websites throughout the world, which allows us to acquire potential clients the moment they search for products and services, divulge your brand and bring back previous visitors to the products and services they viewed through visually appealing ads.

Chibious is a Google Partner agency, an official Google certification that distinguishes it as a specialist in digital advertising and maximizing the success of Google Ads campaigns for its clients.

Meta Ads

Meta Ads ad examples in story ad, catalogue ad and reel ad formats for Floriano Real Estate, Elsa Barreto and Manuel Alves.

Meta Ads is the advertising network of Meta, the company that owns the social platforms Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp, and allows us to reach your target audience through highly dynamic and personalized ads according to your client’s profile. More than simply boosting the reach of your organic posts, Meta advertisements can achieve results with a high return on investment.

From the start, Chibious has specialized in the creation of Meta Ads performance campaigns, steered towards ROAS for E-commerce ads and cost per lead in projects from areas such as dental medicine and real estate.

Looking for a Performance Marketing agency?
Contact us

Active since 2018, Chibious' success stories and experience with Performance Marketing make us the best choice for your project.

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