Service:Content Marketing

High-quality content creation in various formats and optimized for search engines.

Unlike social media, where your profile and shared content don’t completely belong to you and which can lose reach or even fade away at a moment’s notice, your own content published on your own platforms is 100% your brand’s, bringing various benefits, such as brand recognition and higher authority in your area, and serving as a standalone, independent tool for client attraction.

A Content Marketing strategy consists in the production of relevant, informative content to acquire and convert potential customers to your brand and can involve a variety of formats, from a blog updated with your target audience’s most searched topics to the creation of lead magnets such as ebooks with valuable content offered in exchange for a first contact.

Creation of professional content optimized for search engines

Examples of organic first placements for Cegid ROSE Accounting Services and Cegid Jasmin for the Portuguese terms for "VAT code" and "client payments".

Chibious is a Digital Marketing agency specialized in Content Marketing, having produced hundreds of pages, articles and ebooks for a diversity of projects, including market leaders in their respective fields.

We focus on content quality, from good writing to extensive research on the subject and creation of original content to position our client as a thought leader in its field, and on content as a client conversion tool.

Besides Content Marketing strategies, we also produce professional content for static pages, such as corporate websites or landing pages, optimized for their end goal—notoriety, reputation, conversion or other—and produced with the brand’s positioning and tone in mind.

Content produced for the web is also search engine optimized, in order to attract the most organic (non-paid) traffic possible in relevant searches for topics searched for by your client profile.

All content produced by Chibious is not only produced by humans, but also always reviewed by other qualified members of the team, in order to identify and rectify any errors or typos before it gets to our client and to ensure the best possible quality of our work.

Types of content

Blog articles

We produce specialized blog articles on specific subjects of your market, based on extensive search and keeping in mind best SEO practices, including, but not limited to, focus keyword and related terms research, semantic HTML, headings and meta tags.

Besides producing articles on request, we also provide a content planning service to search for, on behalf of your brand, article topics more likely to rank on search engines for subjects your clients search for, as well as their respective scheduling and internal link building for better results.

Corporate pages

We develop content (copywriting) for corporate pages, such as corporate websites, one-pages and landing pages, focused on the main goal of each page and according to the brand’s communication guidelines.

All content is adapted to the industry, identity and target audience of the brand, seeking to position it as a specialist and apply the ideal communication for lead acquisition.

Besides B2C content, we also produce B2B content optimized for both corporate communication and acquisition of business leads.


Creating ebooks requires going deeper than content creation for articles or simple pages, not only in regards to the quantity required for an ebook, but also structurally, which comes with higher demands. The ebook must serve as an attractive piece of standalone content, while also serving as a tool to attract follow-up.

Thus, Chibious’ ebook development not only includes copywriting, but also structuring the entire ebook, from a logically-structured table of contents to the technical information it includes, which will be as complete as possible for the proposed topic and intended goal.

Looking for a Content Marketing agency?
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Active since 2018, Chibious' success stories and experience with Content Marketing make us the best choice for your project.

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