Success story:Cegid Primavera

Creation of SEO-friendly content for the Iberian leader in enterprise software.

Articles written200+for 5 Cegid Primavera blogs
First page of Google48.57%of the indexed articles for searches of their respective focus keyword
First result of Google10.71%of the indexed articles for searches of their respective focus keyword

Search data from April 2024 for Braga, Portugal, in a virtual machine with no search history.

The project

Cegid Primavera began in 1993 as PRIMAVERA Business Software Solution, a project focused on enterprise management solutions, being the first company to develop management solutions for Windows.

After 30 years of growth and an annual turnover of 150 million euros, PRIMAVERA BSS was acquired by Oakley Capital in 2021, forming the Primavera Group, the largest Iberian enterprise software group, and afterwards acquired by Cegid in 2022, becoming Primavera Group, A Cegid Company.

Chibious has collaborated with Cegid Primavera since 2019 in the creation of content for blog articles and e-books, produced with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind, for five different projects:

  • Cegid Primavera;
  • Cegid Jasmin;
  • Cegid Rose Accounting Services;
  • Cegid Yet;
  • Cegid Vendus.


Cegid Rose Accounting Services article produced by Chibious on the first position of a Google search as a featured snippet for "código do IVA"

Up until April 2024, Chibious produced over 200 articles for four Cegid Primavera blogs, on various topics related to management, accounting, tax, marketing, e-invoicing, financial aids and other relevant subjects for the industries of Cegid Primavera projects and their clients.

This work of creating SEO-friendly content led to, as of April 2024, 48.57% of the articles indexed by the Google search engine being in the first page of search results for the articles’ focus keywords, for searches with an average of 73550 monthly searches in Portugal.

Moreover, 10.71% of all Google-indexed articles that Chibious made for Cegid blogs were, as of April 2024, in the first result of Google searches for their focus keywords, including highly competitive terms such as “código do IVA” (VAT code), “ATCUD” (both above governmental websites) and “contrato de trabalho a termo certo” (fixed-term employment contract), with an average of 4860 monthly searches for these keywords in Portugal, also including featured snippet results (direct answer to Google queries).

Thanks to Chibious’ experience and technical know-how, Cegid Primavera continues to gain top positions in search engines and to organically increase traffic to its web platforms, leading to the continuation of this successful partnership between Chibious and the Iberian leader of management software.

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