Success story:Stores Rapid

Over 100% increase in return on Google Ads spend.

Average return on ad spend (ROAS)4.6On sales attributed to Google Ads and Meta Ads
Highest monthly ROAS6.33In October and November 2023
Year-over-year ROAS change102.09%In Google Ads, compared to same period in previous year

Data from the period of June 2023 to May 2024.

The project

Founded in 2013, Stores Rapid is a company specializing in blinds, offering custom-made roller blinds, venetian blinds, day and night blinds and vertical blinds. Their online store was launched in 2021 during the pandemic, looking to provide custom-made window blind solutions for both individual clients and businesses.

Stores Rapid had already been managing Google Ads internally with a positive return on ad spend (ROAS), having previously collaborated with an agency for campaign creation. However, seeking better results, they contacted Chibious in May 2023 to take over Performance Marketing management.

Strategy and results

Google Ads and Meta Ads ad examples for Stores Rapid.

Chibious completely revamped the Google Ads strategy, focusing on search campaigns by product type and most searched terms, Shopping Ads campaigns with manual CPC optimized per product category and Performance Max campaigns integrated with their remarketing tag for dynamic display ads.

In addition to optimizing the existing Google Ads channel, Chibious also introduced the Meta Ads channel in Stores rapid’s strategy, using dynamic product catalogue ads and custom-developed Instant Experiences to reach their target audience at the optimal time for purchase, as well as remarketing ads to convert previous store visitors.

After a year, the results were clear: using both Performance Marketing campaigns, Chibious achieved an average 4.6 ROAS, reaching a 6.33 peak in October and November of 2023, and a 102.09% growth in the Google Ads channel compared to the same period the previous year.

With Chibious’s support, Stores Rapid broke sales records in their online store, reinforcing the value of the partnership and justifying the continued collaboration between the two parties, always focused on continuous improvement of results coupled with innovation in Performance Marketing.

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