Success story:Elsa Barreto

Increased revenue and international expansion of an iconic partywear brand.

Average return on ad spend (ROAS)19.75On Meta Ads Black Friday 2020 campaigns
Year-over-year revenue+169.06%On Meta Ads and Google Ads

Data from the periods of 2021 and 2022.

The project

Elsa Barreto is a renowned feminine clothing brand created by the eponymous stylist in 1992, focused specifically on partywear and the bridal segment.

Until 2020, the brand’s marketing was focused mainly on its physical store in Braga and the growth of followers on social media, complemented by events and national and international fashion fairs.

With the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, Elsa Barreto felt the need to redirect efforts towards its online store and reach sales through digital channels, initially with a focus on the Portuguese market for an eventual expansion to the Spanish one.

Chibious collaborated with the brand from November 2020 up to November 2022, focusing mainly on managing Performance Marketing ad campaigns on Google Ads and Meta Ads, with occasional actions in E-mail Marketing, SEO and public relations.

Strategy and results

Meta Ads ad examples for Elsa Barreto.

The Performance Marketing strategy Chibious developed initially focused on Black Friday 2020 campaigns, followed by new collection campaigns, with extremely promising results. In particular, Elsa Barreto’s Black Friday 2020 Meta Ads campaigns reached a return on ad spend (ROAS) of 19.75 times the investment—meaning, an average revenue of €1975 for each €100 spent on ads.

In time, the strategy evolved towards continuous product catalogue campaigns on Meta Ads and search and Shopping ad campaigns on Google, always focused on return on investment.

Besides E-commerce direct sale campaigns, we also developed awareness campaigns and direct messaging campaigns for the brand, the latter focusing on custom orders for unique pieces for a limited time, such as the Portuguese 2021 Golden Globes.

The success of these campaigns translated into expanding Performance Marketing to the Spanish market, with a strategy supported by Influencer Marketing through partnership with a variety of Spanish it girls.

Beyond Performance Marketing, other initiatives spearheaded by Chibious had an equally positive impact; specifically, PR work for the launch of the new bridal collection in 2021, which marked a return of the brand to the nuptial sector, managed to achieve results in publications such as Fashion Network.

Besides the immediate return in sales from the marketing strategy, all this work also helped strengthen the identity and notoriety of the Elsa Barreto brand, allying Chibious’ experience in bringing results to the brand’s iconic timelessness.

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