Success story:Floriano Real Estate

Lead generation of buyers and sellers of luxury real estate in the region of Braga, Portugal with Meta Ads.

Total leads4000+
Average cost per lead4.30
Cost per lead change from 2022 to 2023-48.68%

Data from the period between August 2022 and August 2023 for Meta Ads.

The project

Floriano Real Estate is a real estate intermediary team of Zome Real Estate and focused on the region of Braga and the North of Portugal. Thanks to the results achieved in buying and selling real estate, especially the luxury segment, the Floriano team is regularly receives recognition by Zome, including a spot on Topliner, Zome’s merit group, and achieving second place on Zome Braga’s Top Income 2022.

In August 2022, Floriano Real Estate challenged Chibious to generate highly qualified leads in the luxury real estate market in the region of Braga and surroundings, not only looking for buyers but also particularly sellers, to gather properties to sell. Beyond that goal, the team also wanted to increase Floriano Real Estate’s awareness in the target market.

Strategy and results

Meta Ads ad examples for Floriano Real Estate.

Chibious developed a Meta Ads Performance Marketing strategy for lead acquisition of buyers and sellers, accompanied by brand awareness campaigns for the Floriano Real Estate brand on Facebook and Instagram.

For acquiring buyer leads, given the reduced friction of the format, the main focus were Lead Ads, distributed in two distinct formats:

  • Creation of individual campaigns with handcrafted ads to promote the main luxury properties, including LUXTOWER Braga and The First, the first building of hybrid construction (wood and concrete) in the Iberian Peninsula;
  • Development of an innovative strategy of property catalogue campaigns, with dynamic display of the most appropriate properties based on geographic and demographic segmentation of the target audience and remarketing to previous visitors, through a dynamic product feed imported directly from

In the span of a year, this strategy led to over 4000 qualified leads for the Floriano Real Estate team, with an average cost per lead of just €4.30 for both buyers and sellers and a decrease in the average cost per lead of 48.68% between 2022 and 2023.

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