Success story:Manuel Alves

Over a million euros in online sales through Performance Marketing.

Total revenue1M+Directly attributed to Performance Marketing
Average return on ad spend (ROAS)6.42On sales attributed to Google Ads and Meta Ads
Year-over-year revenue+9.32%Between 2023 and 2022 on Google Ads and Meta Ads campaigns

Data from the period between March 2021 and March 2024 for Portugal and Spain.

The project

The Manuel Alves Group, founded in 1996, is primarily dedicated to selling footwear, having more recently added a clothing category, and has over 30 physical stores, mostly in Portugal and currently expanding to Spain as well.

Besides a large selection of recognizable footwear brands, the Group also has its own Manuel Alves brand, which is a consistent sales success in their markets of choice.

Up to that point focused on the offline market, in 2020 the Manuel Alves Group entered the E-commerce segment with the launch of its online store, initially supported by the promotional work of its internal Marketing team through social media.

In November 2020, Chibious assumed the management of Performance Marketing campaigns in Google Ads and Meta Ads, complementing the internal work of managing their social networks in order to boost the online store and its revenue.

Strategy and results

Meta Ads examples for Manuel Alves

From the start, Chibious’ strategy was based on multichannel remarketing and the integration of Meta Ads product catalogue campaigns and Google Shopping Ads, with sales campaign automation and a strong backbone of evergreen campaigns to ensure not only a high return on ad spend (ROAS), but also a consistent one regardless of seasonality.

As the long partnership between Chibious and Manuel Alves Group progresses, the strategy has grown and adapted to the latest breakthroughs in Performance Marketing, such as the integration of Performance Max and Advantage+ campaigns in Google Ads and Meta Ads, respectively, and inclusion of the latest formats as they appear, such as Instagram Reels.

The results speak for themselves: in three years, the combination of Chibious’ Performance Marketing work and a growing investment from Manuel Alves Group in these channels led to over one million euros in sales directly attributed to the Performance Marketing campaigns, not including the impact in offline sales on physical stores, with an average return on ad spend (ROAS) of 6.42 times their investment and a consistent growth year over year on online sales.

These results motivated Manuel Alves Group to invest ever more in digital as the cornerstone of its sales strategy, culminating in E-commerce as the focus of the entry into the Spanish market, with Chibious once again providing support with Performance Marketing by leveraging their extensive experience with the brand to rapidly achieve consistent sales results in the new market.

Manuel Alves Group, therefore, serves as an example of what years of partnership, built on consistent results and continuous growth, can do when combined with the practical experience, know-how and strategic thinking of a specialized agency.

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